Odpad Pivka

One of the key development direction of the SIJ Group is a vertically integrated company, so it is essential to have in your group its own raw material base.

Waste Pivka with its extensive network of companies for the recovery of waste in the Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia), provides a greater degree of independence from the world market situation scrap.


Phone: +386 (0)5 757 04 40

Faks: +386 (0)5 757 04 46

Email address: andrej@odpadpivka.si 

Business ID:

Company name: ODPAD, zbiranje in predelava sekundarnih surovin ter trgovina d.o.o. Pivka

Abbreviated company name: ODPAD d.o.o Pivka 

Headquarters: Velika Pristava 23, 6257 Pivka, Slovenija, EU

Registration number: 5577772000

Tax number:  SI32700237 

Transaction account: IBAN SI56 1010 0003 7572 654, Banka Koper d.d. 

Court register entry number: Okrožno sodišče Koper; zaporedna številka vpisa: 10282100

Nominal capital: 65.487,00 €